Advanced Academics
The Grand Prairie ISD Advanced Academics Program is committed to ensuring that our highest ability learners are challenged to meet their potential and that curriculum and learning opportunities are in line with their needs, interests, and abilities.
Advanced courses are offered in all core content areas. These classes are aimed at preparing our students for dual credit and/or Advanced Placement classes in high school, the challenges of higher education, and success in their future careers.
Pre-AP and GT Courses:
are offered in all core subjects: Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies
include Pre-AP Spanish III and AP Spanish IV
offer a combination of acceleration, enrichment, and differentiation
are designed with the advanced learner in mind
require outside reading, research and/or projects
prepare students for future dual credit and/or Advanced Placement classes
We hope parents and students will ask questions about advanced courses and look into the opportunities they provide!
Pre-AP Program
Pre-AP is a program for students who are highly motivated, developing college-bound behavior, and capable of performing at an academic level above their grade placement. At this level, students move at a faster pace in a more academically challenging environment to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. These courses provide students with opportunities to develop a strong foundation by exploring a subject in greater depth and developing skills, habits of mind, and concepts needed to succeed in college preparatory coursework.
Pre-AP courses prepare students for dual credit and/or Advanced Placement (AP) courses they have the opportunity to take in high school and are offered in the four core subject areas. Additionally, Spanish III is a Pre-AP course. Pre-AP students can expect more independent learning and more homework than a regular class. Students and parents are required to sign and abide for the Grand Prairie ISD Pre-AP/AP contract.
Students may express an interest in taking a Pre-AP course by obtaining a Pre-AP Request form from the Advanced Academics Specialist or the counselors' office. Prior grades, achievement test scores, and STAAR scores are evaluated by the Advanced Academics Specialist when a student is considering enrollment into a Pre-AP course.
Gifted and Talented Program
In accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students, students in the Gifted and Talented (GT) program are screened using multiple criteria, which include both quantitative and qualitative data. Placement decisions are made by a Campus Selection Committee, and policies for appeals, furloughs, and exit procedures are available upon request. In middle school, GT students are served in the four core academic areas according to their identified strengths.
GT courses are often paired with Pre-AP courses and include all of the elements of Pre-AP courses. Within this combination of courses, GT students receive instruction and learning opportunities appropriately differentiated to meet the needs of more advanced learners, enabling students to engage in more elaborate, complex, and in-depth studies of abstract ideas, problems, and themes. As with the Pre-AP courses, students can expect a more academically challenging environment to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as more independent learning and more homework than a regular class. These courses provide students with opportunities to develop a strong foundation by exploring a subject in greater depth and developing skills, habits of mind, and concepts needed to succeed in college preparatory coursework. Students and parents are required to sign and abide for the Grand Prairie ISD Pre-AP/AP contract.
Nominations for the Gifted and Talented Program may be submitted to the Advanced Academics Specialist. Students may be nominated by parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, or any other interested party who is familiar with the student's abilities.
Advanced Placement
At the middle school level, AP Spanish Language is offered to students who qualify for the course via a placement exam or the successful completion of Pre-AP Spanish III.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are part of a program begun by The College Board, a not for profit association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. High schools across the United States work with The College Board to offer these advanced courses. Through AP courses, students ...
- take college level coursework in high school
- study subjects in depth
- explore the world from multiple perspectives
- develop study habits for tackling rigorous work
- focus on deeper reasoning, analysis, and problem-solving
- show universities they were willing to take on the demands of an AP course and they are ready for colleges
Through AP exams, students earn college credit with a passing score on an AP exam. Each college and university establishes accepted scores on specific exams for college credit. When looking at college choice and planning for AP classes in high school, this is important information. The Advanced Academics Specialist can show you how to locate this information.
AVID Mission Statement
AVID’s mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an in-school academic support program for students. The purpose of the program is to prepare students for college eligibility, career preparation and success as early as elementary school.
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) has created a program to provide students with tools and strategies for academic and social success in school, higher education and beyond. According to the organization, AVID is more than just a program, rather, "At its heart, AVID is a philosophy: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.”
Since 2007, GPISD has instituted the AVID program in 2 high schools, 2 multi-level (6-12) schools, 5 middle schools, 2 multi-level (PK-8) schools, and 1 elementary school. Of those, Grand Prairie High School earned the distinction of AVID National Demonstration School, which is the highest AVID distinction; and most recently, South Grand Prairie High School, AVID Schoolwide Site.
6th Grade ELA
We are off to a great start this in seventh grade ELA and know we will have a year full of learning! Sixth grade students read some wonderful literature like Among the Hidden and Hatchet. All ELA students also read informative, thought-provoking non-fiction texts. Our goal is that as students interact with texts and with each other, they will develop the expertise of a skillful reader, writer, and communicator.
7th Grade ELA
We are off to a great start this in seventh grade ELA and know we will have a year full of learning! Seventh grade students read some wonderful literature like The Outsiders and The Watsons Go to Birmingham while students in Pre-AP ELA and GT ELA read texts like The Giver, A Separate Peace, and A Christmas Carol. All ELA students also read informative, thought-provoking non-fiction texts. Our goal is that as students interact with texts and with each other, they will develop the expertise of a skillful reader, writer, and communicator.
8th Grade ELA
We are so excited about eighth grade English Language Arts and know we will have a great school year! Eighth grade students read wonderful literature like The Giver and The Diary of Anne Frank while students in Pre-AP ELA and GT ELA read powerful texts like A Midsummer Night's Dream and Lord of the Flies. All students also work with informative, thought-provoking non-fiction texts. Our goal is that as students interact with texts and with each other, they develop the expertise of a skillful reader, writer, and communicator.
6th Grade Math
Sixth grade math rocks! In sixth grade, students prepare for Algebra I and the high school and college level math courses that follow. Some big ideas in sixth grade include equivalent forms of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; the use of ratios in proportional situations; and features of circles.
7th Grade Math
Of course we love seventh grade math! Seventh grade math is full with practical, real-world skills like percent and number sense, as well as critical thinking about the relationship between objects using similarity and scale. In addition, it is an important time to prepare for Algebra I and the high school and college level math courses that follow. Students, get ready! Algebra I is usually taken in the ninth grade but seventh grade students have the opportunity to place into Algebra I for their eighth grade year with a qualifying score on a placement exam taken in late spring.
8th Grade Math
We love math and are committed to see YMLA succeed in math! Some features of eighth grade math include work with rational numbers, dilations, and the Pythagorean Theorem. Eighth grade is an important year in the study of math. It is the final year of preparation for Algebra I and it is a year in which students must meet the standard set for the STAAR test.
6th Grade Science
It is going to be a great year at YMLA in sixth grade! While we continue to learn in areas of earth, life, and physical science our focus in sixth grade is on physical science including force, motion, matter, and energy. Expect to understand better this amazing world in which we live, explore scientific knowledge and principles, build a foundation high school and college level math courses, and above all be scientists!
7th Grade Science
Seventh grade science is the best! While we continue to learn in areas of earth, life, and physical science our focus in seventh grade is on organisms and the environment. Expect to understand better this amazing world in which we live, explore scientific knowledge and principles, build a foundation high school and college level math courses, and above all be scientists!
8th Grade Science
It is going to be a great year at YMLA in eighth grade! We continue to build upon our knowledge in areas of earth, life, and physical science. In addition, we will focus on new learning! By the end of the year, you will know about chemistry, physics, plate tectonics, ecology, astronomy, and even a little bit of math in science. Expect to understand better this amazing world in which we live, explore scientific knowledge and principles, build a foundation for high school and college level courses, and above all be scientists!
Social Studies
6th Grade Social Studies
We love social studies in sixth grade! It is through social studies that we understand the people of the world in which we live. In sixth grade, students focus on people and places of the contemporary world. From their studies, students will understand better the diverse people of our world, gain new perspectives and understanding of the power of the history, and build a foundation for high school and college level history and humanities courses.
7th Grade Social Studies
We love learning in seventh grade social studies! Building on the foundation laid in fourth grade, seventh grade social studies classes focus on the history of Texas from early times to the present. From their studies, our goal is that students will understand better the diverse people of our state, gain new perspectives and understanding of the power of the history, and build a foundation for high school and college level history and humanities courses.
8th Grade Social Studies
Building on the foundation laid in fifth grade, eighth grade social studies classes focus on the history of the United States. From their studies, our goal is that students will understand better the diverse people of our nation, gain new perspectives and understanding of the power of the history and democratic ideals, and build a foundation for high school and college level history and humanities courses!
Students are offered a comprehensive program that will significantly contribute to their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Activities will include team and individual sports with an emphasis on physical fitness, lifetime activities, and cooperative games.
Athletics/PE- Spirit t-shirt or white t-shirt, black shorts, tennis shoes
This course is designed for the student who has not had instruction in art. This course will explore the different mediums of art including painting, drawing, and ceramics. Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders may take this course.
This course is designed for the student who completed Advanced Art I or Art I in the sixth grade. The student must submit an art portfolio for approval by the instructor. This course will explore the different mediums of art including painting, drawing, and ceramics. Students will participate in one art show each semester and will have the opportunity to participate in VASE.
Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is comprised of musically and technically advanced students and is the flagship musical ensemble of the YMLA band program. Membership in this organization is earned through the combination of audition, behavior, effort, proper balanced instrumentation of the ensemble and overall performance history. The Symphonic Band performs many concerts throughout the year and competes in UIL Concert and Sight-reading Contest, festivals, pep rallies, and award ceremonies.
The highest performance and participation expectations are placed on the members of Symphonic band. Representing the YMLA Symphonic band is a privilege and responsibility, members failing to adequately prepare may forfeit the right to audition or perform with the Symphonic band. Other consequences may include loss of chair placement or placement in a lower performing ensemble at the director’s discretion.
Performance requirements include:
- Preparing All-District and All-Region music
- Perform at Solo and Ensemble contest.
- Weekly sectional attendance throughout the year.
- Symphonic Band students will be expected to participate in before or after school full band rehearsals and weekend performances.
Concert Band
The Concert Band is comprised of students with at least one full year of musical and technical skills. Membership is determined by audition, daily behavior and effort, proper balanced instrumentation, and overall performance history. The Concert Band performs multiple concerts throughout the year and may or may not compete in UIL Concert and Sight-reading Contest. Additional performances may include festivals or contests, pep rallies, and ceremonies.
Performance requirements include:
- Members are required to participate in Solo and Ensemble contest.
- Members are encouraged to participate in All-District and All-Region tryouts.
- Sectionals will be held all year and are mandatory.
- Concert Band students will be expected to participate in some after school full band rehearsals.
Beginner Band
The Beginner Band is comprised of students who are in the first year of starting their instrument. They will perform multiple concerts throughout the year. Additional performances may include festivals and or contest.
Performance requirements include:
- Members are required to participate in the Beginner Solo and Ensemble Contest in the spring.
- Beginning Band students will be expected to participate in some after school full band rehearsals.
Beginning Mariachi
This guitar class is for beginners with no previous experience playing guitar. Students will learn the basic skills and information required for playing guitar, as well as music theory, mariachi history and how to sing in Spanish while playing guitar. Mariachi students will perform simple songs, take field trips to hear live music, and will perform on the Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May. Students can rent an instrument (approx. $75) or provide their own classical guitar. They will also buy a music book and t-shirt to keep (approx. $35). These classes are a great way to learn to play an instrument, read music, sing and prepare for Advanced Mariachi. Students will be graded on class participation and attendance at all required rehearsals and performances, as well as their playing ability. Fine Arts credit is awarded after successfully completing the class.
Prerequisite: Audition
Advanced Mariachi
This class is by audition only and is intended for experienced musicians who sing and play violin, trumpet, vihuela, guitarrón or guitar. Advanced students will learn to perform a range of mariachi music including standard songs and newer hits by popular singers like Vicente Fernandez. Advanced students are required to attend many performances and rehearsals throughout the year. They will also take field trips to hear live music, and in addition to performing at UIL Festivals and on the Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May they will also be required to perform several times in the community and at festivals in the evenings & on weekends. Students can rent an instrument (approx. $75) or provide their own. Trajes, sombreros and belts will be provided by GPISD for high school students; students are required to buy their own mariachi t-shirt, shirt/blouse, moño (plus hair bow for ladies), and boots for the full mariachi traje (approx. $100). Students will be graded on class participation and their playing ability as well as their attendance at all required performances and rehearsals. Fine Arts credit is awarded after successfully completing the class, and additional Fine Arts or elective credit is awarded for repeating the class.
Beginning Orchestra
This course is for beginning orchestra students. Emphasis will be placed on learning the basics of playing the violin, viola, cello and bass. Students will be taught practice skills as well as how to read music. Students will be required to have an instrument for this class. There is an instrument rental fee for use of school instruments. Financial aid is available to qualified students.
This class is a prerequisite for Advanced Orchestra. Grades 6-7 may take this course.
Advanced Orchestra
This course extends and reinforces what is presented in Beginning Orchestra. Emphasis will be on developing higher performance techniques. Students are required to perform in concerts given by the Orchestra and participate in UIL competition. There is an instrument rental fee for use of school instruments. Financial aid is available to qualified students. Grade 7-8 may take this course
Prerequisite: Beginning Orchestra
Student Concert Etiquette
Concert Etiquette Quiz
Adult Concert Etiquette
SPANISH IA (High School Credit Course)
This full-year course introduces students to Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, basic dialogues, and basic sentence patterns. Through various classroom activities, students observe and experience Spanish culture. Spanish IA followed with Spanish IB in a subsequent middle school year will earn one high school credit for Spanish I. Students will receive .5 credit upon completion of Spanish IA. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses.
Prerequisite: Student Interest
SPANISH IB (High School Credit Course)
This full-year course is a continuation of Spanish IA. Skills and concepts in listening, speaking, reading, and writing are stressed; however, major emphasis is given to oral communication. Upon successful completion of both Spanish IA and Spanish IB, students will receive one high school credit for Spanish I. Students will receive .5 credit upon completion of Spanish IB. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses.
Prerequisite: Spanish IA
SPANISH I (High School Credit Course)
This full-year course introduces students to Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, basic dialogues, and basic sentence patterns. Audio-lingual materials aid in the development of communication skills. Through various classroom activities, students observe and experience Spanish culture. Skills and concepts in listening, speaking, reading, and writing are stressed; however, major emphasis is given to oral communication. This course is designed for students with some conversational Spanish. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses.
Prerequisite: Advanced Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment
SPANISH II (High School Credit Course)
This full-year course emphasizes oral comprehension and reading skills, and students expand their fluency in Spanish. Grammar, vocabulary, literature, and cultural studies are included. Skills in listening, speaking, and writing are also stressed; however, major emphasis is given to oral communication. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses.
Prerequisite: Spanish I or Advanced Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment
PRE-AP SPANISH III (High School Credit Course)
This course covers the high school Spanish III TEKS. In this high school level TEKS-based Spanish course, students undertake grammar and vocabulary studies, enhance aural comprehension as well as oral and written proficiency, and explore Hispanic culture, particularly in the areas of art, music, history, and geography. Classic and contemporary literatures are studied. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses. Students and parents will be required to sign and abide by the Grand Prairie ISD Pre-AP/AP Contract. (See appendix)
Prerequisite: Spanish II or Advanced Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment AP
SPANISH IV (High School Credit Course)
This course covers the high school Spanish IV TEKS. This intensive high school level TEKS-based course is designed to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Exam. This class will include a thorough grammar review; refine aural and oral proficiency; daily discussions of various cultural readings, literature or current topics; weekly compositions; and research papers. Students are required to take the AP exam. High school grading procedures will apply to these courses. Students and parents will be required to sign and abide by the Grand Prairie ISD Pre-AP/AP Contract. (See appendix)
Prerequisite: Pre-AP Spanish III or Advanced Foreign Language Proficiency Assessment